For example, SARS emerged in Asia in February 2003 and quickly spread to 2 dozen countries, sickening nearly 8,100 people and causing almost 800 deaths, according to the World Health Organization 5 . This disease caused by drinking or eating infected food or water is referred to in Spanish as tifoidea  (tee-foh-ee-´deh-ah). High blood pressure is also called hypertension in English. los latidos cardíacos irregulares. The Spanish Flu is often regarded as one of the deadliest disease outbreaks in human history. That said, the disease can stay dormant in a person who has overcome it … el estreñimiento. People also called it the Spanish Flu or La Grippe and it was a huge epidemic immediately after the war in 1918, spreading throughout Europe. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). This resource contains fact sheets for facilities and parents about a variety of infectious diseases, as well as information for disease prevention and control. When the Black Death pandemic swept through Europe and Asia, it fundamentally changed how people related to their faith, their employers, and their government. Throughout human history, there have been a number of pandemics of diseases such as smallpox and tuberculosis.The most fatal pandemic in recorded history was the Black Death (also known as The Plague), which killed an estimated 75–200 million people in the 14th century. The diseases helped a Spanish force led by Hernán Cortés conquer the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán in 1519 and another Spanish force led by Francisco Pizarro conquer the Incas in 1532. The term was not used yet but was for later pandemics including the 1918 influenza pandemic (Spanish flu). -  Designed by Thrive See, I told you, there’s a difference. … Tuberculosis is also tuberculosis (too-behr-koo-´loh-sees). The pandemic was probably responsible for >260,000 deaths (1% of the Spanish population), with an excess mortality of close to 1.5% [23, 33]. There’s regular cough, and then there’s the whooping kind called pertussis. Do you feel a painful burning feeling in your chest? So it follows that lyme disease is enfermedad de Lyme (ehn-fehr-meh-´dahd deh Lyme). Bureau of Communicable Disease Control New York State Department of Health ESP, 651 Corning Tower Albany, NY 12237-0627 Telephone: (518) 473-4439 ... Español (Spanish) 中文 (Chinese) Русский (Russian) ইংরেজি (Bengali) Kreyòl Ayisyen (Haitian-Creole) 한국어 (Korean) CONNECT WITH US. It’s probably heartburn, or as the Spanish call it, acidez (ah-see-´dehs). Anemia (anemia) Inflections of 'disease' (v): (⇒ conjugate) diseases v 3rd person singular diseasing v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Throughout human history, there have been a number of pandemics of diseases such as smallpox and tuberculosis.The most fatal pandemic in recorded history was the Black Death (also known as The Plague), which killed an estimated 75–200 million people in the 14th century. The influenza (flu) pandemics of 1918 and the 1950s killed millions of people. She loves reading anything (including product labels). 1918-1920: Spanish flu - Fort Riley, Kansas; References. Phone: + 33 782 171 213 Improve your reading and listening comprehension in Spanish. Anemia is also anemia in Spanish. Either way is OK. To say leukemia in Spanish, you simply switch the k with a c and you’re good. (m) means that a noun is masculine. Bubonic plague - The bubonic plague is a disease that infects the lymph glands. Spanish-Language Publications. Communicable Disease Programs. Yep, diabetes is also diabetes in Spanish but you say it this way: dee-ah-´beh-tehs. Egypt's Other Wars: Epidemics and the Politics of Public Health. Kuhnke, Laverne. Major disease outbreaks have shaped a lot of world history. Anemia is also anemia in Spanish. Named after St. Cyprian, a bishop of Carthage (a city in Tunisia) … In 1918, with the world still reeling from a devastating war in Europe, a new variant of the H1N1 flu virus emerged. In Spanish, you say alta presión sanguine (´ahl-tah preh-see-´ohn sahn-´ghee-nehah). List of infectious diseases (English to Spanish translation). View source document for this translation. Pneumonia is a common infection of the lungs which the Spanish call pulmonía (pool-moh-´nee-ah). Smallpox, a disease that has been eradicated with vaccination programs, is also called variola. Unfortunately, many of the deadliest diseases in history are still claiming thousands of lives, mostly in … Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures. But in Spanish, you say it with a... 2. Anaplasmosis, Human. Scientists use a basic measure to track the infectiousness of a disease called the reproduction number — also known as R0 or “R naught.” This number tells us how many susceptible people, on average, each sick person will in turn infect. Have you tried it yet? And it’s pronounced the same way, too (´te-tah-nohs) ! Epidemics have posed a perpetual threat to human health throughout history. Address : 8 allée danton 94350 Villiers sur marne France, Copyright 2019 by My Daily Spanish. The "Spanish" influenza pandemic of 1918–1919, which caused ≈50 million deaths worldwide, remains an ominous warning to public health. Transport was the key culprit in the pandemics of our past. A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. In Spanish, it’s called epilepsia (eh-pee-´lehp-see-ah). This painful infection caused by virus or bacteria is called amigdalitis in Spanish. A noncommunicable disease is a noninfectious health condition lasting for a long period of time. Ancylostoma duodenale Infection, Necator americanus Infection — see Human Hookworm. Disease has (if you'll forgive the pun) plagued societies for millennia, and the United State is no exception. While most patients may speak English, they may better understand about vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases when the information is written in Spanish. man, dog, house). Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011. Diphtheria, a serious bacterial infection that affects the nose and throat is spelled as difteria and pronounced as deef-´teh-ree-ah in Spanish. Inherited diseases, such as hemochromatosis and Wilson disease Symptoms of liver disease can vary, but they often include swelling of the abdomen and legs, bruising easily, changes in the color of your stool and urine, and jaundice , or yellowing of the skin and eyes. In Spanish you say tos ferina (tohs feh-´ree-nah) or tos convulsiva (tohs kohn-bool-´see-bah). A mi parecer, la superficialidad es el gran mal de nuestro tiempo. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. It was the first pandemic for which many Member States had developed comprehensive pandemic plans describing the public health measures to be taken, aimed at reducing illness and fatalities. During an epidemic, typically the number of diagnosed infections () over time is known. Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. To make the vocabulary stick, don’t forget to the short quiz at the bottom of the article! This is also known as a chronic disease. This is a list of the largest known epidemics (including pandemics) caused by an infectious disease.Widespread non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer are not included.. An epidemic is the rapid spread of disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time. If at this point you’re wondering if the names of illnesses actually vary between English and Spanish, the answer is YES. Angiostrongylus Infection. Be careful with the food you eat, you could get high cholesterol! Smallpox. Just wait for it, you’ll see! Must be measles! 1858: Scarlet fever also came in waves. In the early stages of an epidemic, growth is exponential, with a logarithmic growth rate Do you need more information about Spanish medical terms? Example sentences: Thousands die of heart disease each year. la depresión. You say polio, too! You can pronounce it as fee-´eh-breh reh-oo-´mah-tee-kah. True or false: Heartburn is call acido in Spanish. Spanish. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. List of eye diseases and disorders synonyms, List of eye diseases and disorders pronunciation, List of eye diseases and disorders translation, English dictionary definition of List of eye diseases and disorders. HIV or human immunodeficiency virus is VIH or Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana. It’s pronounced almost the same way, too: ´koh-leh-rah. Measles tops the list, being the most contagious with a R0 range of 12-18. Outbreaks in the United States and Europe soon spread around the world. Our e-book Spanish for Medical Professionals is what you need. fright sickness (folk illness from a frightening event, part of the soul leaves the body. Obesity is a disease that affects millions of people. WHO main areas of work include: health systems, promoting health through the life-course, noncommunicable diseases, communicable diseases, corporate services, preparedness, surveillance and … diseases of the Spanish-American war Of all the men that died in the Spanish-American war, 90 percent of them died because of diseases and other illnesses. Trench Foot. Say it with me: akh-´neh. Worst Pandemic Diseases These are some of the worst pandemic diseases in the course of history. Meningitis is also meningitis in Spanish, except you pronounce it meh-neen-´hee-tees. Healthcare professionals in the United States serve patients of many nationalities, including many Spanish-speaking citizens and visitors. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. Many of these diseases caused multiple epidemics and pandemics. Measles tops the list, being the most contagious with a R0 range of 12-18. In Spanish, it is viruela (bee-roo-´eh-lah). Scientists use a basic measure to track the infectiousness of a disease called the reproduction number — also known as R0 or “R naught.” This number tells us how many susceptible people, on average, each sick person will in turn infect. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). [4] Centuries later, smallpox was the first virus epidemic stopped by a vaccine. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis — see ALS. Diagnostic Tests; Disaster Preparedness Just a slight difference in spellings here and there. … It’s pronounced as ah-meeg-da-´lee-tees. Janey is a fan of different languages and studied Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Japanese in college. How to say disease in Spanish - Translation of disease to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. You can say cálculos en los riñones (´kahl-koo-lohs ehn lohs ree-´nyoh-nehs) or piedra en el riñon. • herpes; • clamidia; • hepatitis (VHB); • virus de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (VIH); • virus del papiloma humano (VPH o verrugas genitales); • chancroide; • tricomoniasis. "She laughed." Violence is a social disease and it should be treated as such. Cardiovascular disease is responsible for 33 percent of deaths in Spain. diseased v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by a medical professional. Easy. How do you call rheumatic fever in Spanish? Berkeley: University of California Press, c1990. How to say disease in Spanish - Translation of disease to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. The cervix is the lower part of a woman's uterus. The painful sores in the stomach lining are called  úlceras (´ool-se-rahs) in Spanish. Chickenpox in Spanish is varicela, pronounced as bah-ree-´she-lah. Egypt's Other Wars: Epidemics and the Politics of Public Health. El calcio y la vitamina D (Calcium and Vitamin D) Example sentences: Thousands die of heart disease each year. This is a list of the largest known epidemics (including pandemics) caused by an infectious disease.Widespread non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease … Although a number of disorders may result in hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease is a common cause. The 1918 flu pandemic was caused by one of the deadliest 20th-century pathogens, infecting 500 million individuals worldwide. Thyroid hormones affect many body systems, so signs and symptoms of Graves' disease can be wide ranging. WHO estimates more than 40 million died in the 1918 to 1919 outbreak alone and speculates that more than seven million may die in a contemporary flu pandemic. Although this deadly strain of the flu ravaged population centers indiscriminately, it quickly gained the moniker “Spanish influenza” as Spain was hit particularly hard by the bug. While most patients may speak English, they may better understand about vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases when the information is written in Spanish. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1990. But in Spanish, you say it with a more pronounced k sound. In this article, let’s review the different common diseases and learn what they are called in Spanish. Noncommunicable diseases … But the symptoms show up in stages over a period of three weeks and, in most cases, are not fatal. Read about problems that can affect the cervix, like cervicitis (inflammation) and cervical polyps. She has now added French into the mix, though English will always be her first love. Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection that can occur after … List of Acute Diseases. Children and people between the ages of 20 and 40 were the most prone to infection and malnutrition and poor hygiene contributed to the spread of the disease. American Trypanosomiasis — see Chagas Disease. depression. 3. In Mexico, the population dropped to one million people from about 11 million before the European conquest. Here's a list of the major outbreaks in U.S history. (f) means that a noun is feminine. Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by a medical professional. Easy-peasy. A disease is considered epidemic when the number of cases rises above what would normally be expected in a given area. Plague of Cyprian: A.D. 250-271. Themes 3. See 5 authoritative translations of Diseases in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Gallstones are either referred to in Spanish as cálculos biliares (´kahl-koo-lohs beelee-ah-res) or piedras en la vesícula (pee-´ed-ras ehn lah veh-´see-koo-lah). This highly contagious (and quite awful!) Make sure to keep a copy of this list of contagious diseases handy, and try to prevent them rather than treat them. | Powered by WordPress, Spanish Medical Vocabulary: 35 Common Diseases Translated in Spanish, The Ultimate Guide to Spanish Future Tense, 20 Best Spanish Horror Movies to Help You Learn Spanish. Learn More. It is pronounced as: ´ahs-mah. Other Topics in Spanish. Cancer in Spanish is pronounced ´kahn-sehr. irregular heartbeat. While many infectious diseases can be prevented or controlled with immunizations and antibiotics, several newly recognized diseases have emerged since the mid-20th century. Since the pandemic, Spain has been added to a historical short list of countries with disease-associated names. diseased v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." An Easy Guide to Indefinite Pronouns in Spanish, A Quick Guide to Spanish Idiomatic Expressions, Essential COVID-19 Spanish Vocabulary to Help You in the Pandemic, Spanish Idiomatic Verbal Phrases: Expressions with dar, estar, hacer, tener, Passive Voice in Spanish (‘ser + past participle’ construction). Just remove the th and you have asma, or how asthma is called in Spanish. Graves' disease is an immune system disorder that results in the overproduction of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism). 4. Why is it so difficult to get disease names in English? Ultimately, the deadly virus helped the Spanish to conquer the Aztecs and Incas because their populations barely existed thanks to the disease. Make sure to keep a copy of this list of contagious diseases handy, and try to prevent them rather than treat them. Syracuse University Press, c1990. Now back to the ones that are basically the same as in English. WHO’s primary role is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations’ system. Reportable Diseases and Conditions. Lives at Risk: Public Health in Nineteenth-Century Egypt. No news here. Las afecciones cardíacas son la causa principal de muerte tanto entre hombres como mujeres. This first one is pretty much the same as what it’s called in English. Many questions about its origins, its unusual epidemiologic features, and the basis of its pathogenicity remain unanswered. A viral infection that causes red rashes all over the body, German measles is also called rubella. Got rashes together with your runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat? Translate List of infectious diseases to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. There are different ways to say kidney stones in Spanish. The first influenza pandemic of the 21st century occurred in 2009–2010 and was caused by an influenza A(H1N1) virus. You have just gone through 35 common diseases translated in Spanish. To this day, smallpox is the only human infectious disease to have been completely eradicated from nature. With that in mind, let's look at some Spanish vocabulary that might come in useful in a medical emergency. Or as the Spanish say, sarampión (sah-rahm-pee-´ohn). Food poison caused a lot of those deaths, also Malaria, typhoid fever, and Yellow fever. Hay fever or allergic rhinitis is fiebre de heno or rinitis alérgica (fee-´eh-breh dehl eh-noh, ree-´neetees ah-´lehr-hee-kah) in Spanish. This one is pretty straightforward except you say it as ehp-ah-´tee-tees ah, beh, seh. La violencia es una enfermedad social y debe ser tratada como tal. 2009 pandemic. Another easy one. Gallagher, Nancy. In my opinion, superficiality is the greatest disease of our time. In 1918 and 1919, the Spanish Flu pandemic killed more people than Hitler, nuclear weapons and Here’s how you say it: ah-´neh-mee-ah. One of the deadliest diseases in history was fortunately eradicated by 1980 as a result of … In Spanish, it’s rubéola (roo-´beh-oh-lah). 1918-1920: Spanish flu - Fort Riley, Kansas; References. Not all of the articles listed here contain information specific to dogs. Spanish Flu entered India through Bombay, most likely on a troop ship returning from the First World War in Europe, and then spread wavelike across the country from the west and south to the east and north. Quick Chart of Vaccine-Prevenatable Disease Terms in Multiple Languages Keywords: quick chart of vaccine preventable disease terms in multiple languages, vaccine terms in eastern european languages, vaccine terms in western european languages, vaccine terms translated from multiple languages to english, p5122 Created Date: 7/23/2019 1:38:11 PM Japanese language is far easier to grasp meanings of disease names than English. 'Spanish flu' wasn't actually from Spain, and other moments in the long, harmful history of associating disease with other countries. 1. Check it out below! The basic reproduction number can be estimated through examining detailed transmission chains or through genomic sequencing.However, it is most frequently calculated using epidemiological models. … Malaria causes about 400–900 million … Say it with me: ehn-fehr-meh-´dahd dehl koh-rah-sohn. Acné (acne) Perhaps one of the least lethal diseases on this list, the fatality rate of typhoid fever is only 10-30 percent. Say it now: ´poh-lee-oh. Come on, practice it with me: leh-oo-´seh-mee-ah. Even with zero prior background in Spanish, you can interact with Spanish-speaking patients immediately, with the help of this complete Medical Spanish e-book. Email: Disease is enfermedad in Spanish, right? Getting sick while you are away on a trip can be scary, so health-related vocabulary is a good place to start when learning a new language.. Hopefully, you will not need to use most of these words, but they do say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Browse our current list of foreign-language publications below. In Spanish, it’s called colesterol alto (koh-lehs-the-´rohl ´ahl-toh). STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Strep Throat; Stroke; Substance Abuse or Dependence; Swallowing Problems; Toothache; Tuberculosis (TB) Types of Brain Injury; Types of Dementia; Ulcerative Colitis; Urinary Incontinence in Women; UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) Vaginal Infection; Viral Hepatitis. This first one is pretty much the same as what it’s called in English. This list of dog diseases is a selection of diseases and other conditions found in the dog.Some of these diseases are unique to dogs or closely related species, while others are found in other animals, including humans. List of eye diseases and disorders synonyms, List of eye diseases and disorders pronunciation, List of eye diseases and disorders translation, English dictionary definition of List of eye diseases and disorders. The term was not used yet but was for later pandemics including the 1918 influenza pandemic (Spanish flu). Syracuse University Press, c1990. STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). Kuhnke, Laverne. COVID-19 has reached India through international travel as well. "She laughed." constipation. disease is referred to in Spanish as paperas (pah-´peh-rahs). Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease stage 1-4 - Spanish (National Kidney Foundation) This document requires a coversheet . Malaria (1600 – today): Kills about 2 million people per year. A comprehensive list of diseases, conditions, and health-related issues for which the New Jersey Department of Health offers guidance Gallagher, Nancy. Lives at Risk: Public Health in Nineteenth-Century Egypt. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. Healthcare professionals in the United States serve patients of many nationalities, including many Spanish-speaking citizens and visitors. How to say it? It was a major … Home ‣ Public Health ‣ Communicable Disease ‣ Communicable Disease Guide for Schools and Child Care Settings Communicable Disease Guide for Schools and Child Care Settings. Prevención de las ETS La abstinencia, es decir, no tener relaciones sexuales, es la mejor forma As an impact of the flu, people born in that generation displayed reduced educational attainment, increased rates of physical disability, lower income, lower socioeconomic status, and higher transfer payments. Here’s how you say it: ah-´neh-mee-ah. The influenza pandemic was known worldwide as the Spanish flu . 2 Spanish Flu (1918 – 1919): Killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide in less than 2 years. Symptoms like anxiety.) List of 10 Deadliest Diseases in History The progress of science and medicine after the 19th century has eradicated many diseases either via vaccination or development of effective treatments. Using mortality data from National Institute of Statistics in Spain, we analyzed trends of infectious disease mortality rates in Spain during 1980–2011 to provide information on surveillance and control of infectious diseases. Scarlet fever in Spanish is simply escarlatina (ehs-kahr-lah-´tee-nah). Just say vehee-´ah-cheh. While the true origins of the Spanish Flu remain unknown, the disease earned its name after Spain began to report deaths from the flu in its newspapers. Communicable Disease Reporting Forms - For Use by Health Professionals and Public Health Officials Only; Reportable Diseases (PDF) - March 2020 Letter to Healthcare Providers Regarding COVID-19 Reporting (PDF) - March 2020 Lab Reportable Diseases (PDF) - March 2020 Letter to Laboratories Regarding COVID-19 Testing and Reporting (PDF) - March 2020 Hover on a tile to learn new words with the same root. How do you say polio in Spanish? Cardiovascular Disease. Amphibians and Fish, Infections from — see Fish and Amphibians, Infections from. A vocabulary list featuring disease names. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. The NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases ~ National Resource Center offers publications in English and other languages to better assist foreign-language speakers and health professionals. Inflections of 'disease' (v): (⇒ conjugate) diseases v 3rd person singular diseasing v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." La obesidad es una enfermedad que afecta a millones de personas. This was an infection which made soldiers’ feet turn red or blue in color. The Infectious Diseases Institute in Kampala, Uganda is one of the most advanced AIDS research institutes in Africa (Image: Getty Images) Spanish flu. Translate Diseases. Are you a medical professional or medical student who is also learning Spanish? Eventually, it became known as the Spanish flu. Called variola Publishers 2011 now added French into the mix, though English will always be her first.! 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About problems that can affect the cervix, like cervicitis ( inflammation and. 500 million individuals worldwide c and you have just gone through 35 common diseases translated Spanish... ( inflammation ) and cervical polyps hiv or human immunodeficiency virus is VIH or virus de Inmunodeficiencia! Over a period of three weeks and, in most cases, are not fatal Chronic Kidney disease stage -! Remove the th and you ’ re wondering if the names of illnesses actually vary between English Spanish... – 1919 ): killed 50 to 100 million people from about 11 million the.