The Id Attribute.
Form Content...
Attributes: There are many attributes which are associated with
tag. Try adding some to the above example to see how it affects the display/behavior of the element. When a form is submitted, the name-value pairs from all the fields inside the element are included in an HTTP. The Form Tag Helper also generates a hidden Request Verification Token to prevent cross-site request forgery (when used with the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute in the HTTP Post action method). The id attribute of an HTML tag can be used to uniquely identify any element within an HTML page. Attribute Description; accept-charset: Specifies a space separated list of character encodings that the server accepts. Exe type is not a attribute of form tag. The tag accepts the following attributes. Since every element, regardless of type, is based on the HTMLInputElement interface, they technically share the exact same set of attributes. textarea: It is used to specify for multi-line text input field for user. The action Attribute. HTML form element can be used in various ways, It can be used along with the many existing available HTML elements like